Wellness centres for the community
Concentric and residential aged care providers have established Wellness Centres that are accessible to the public. The Concentric dedicated Wellness Centres are equipped with advanced treatment equipment, exercise based rehabilitation equipment and consultation rooms. These centres are designed to deliver specialised allied health services including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and exercise physiology services, to not only the residents of the facility but also members of the community, including those living in nearby aged care homes and retirement villages.
Our private physiotherapy services include comprehensive initial assessments and an individualised treatment plan designed to achieve specific outcomes. We have a strong focus and expertise on rehabilitating musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiovascular conditions by using specialised equipment such as the LiteGait, and by investing in structured professional development for our team. Our design and fit-out of our centres optimises the rehabilitation of complex conditions and disabilities, allowing Concentric to maintain a competitive advantage compared to local private practices.
Our evidence based exercise classes are available for external and internal clients at the Wellness Centre. These classes include Falls prevention and balance training - Muscular strength - Cardiac rehabilitation - Musculoskeletal rehabilitation - Stroke, Parkinsonโs disease and neurological rehabilitation.
These facilities and allied health support are also suitable for older adults who have recently been discharged from hospital or seeking respite care.
To find out where we offer these services, visit our Locations page or contact our Seniorโs support team via
1300 148 160 or email seniors@concentric.com.au