Hand therapy is a specialised type of rehabilitation therapy that focuses on treating injuries or conditions affecting the hands and upper extremities. It combines elements of physical therapy and occupational therapy to help individuals regain function, strength, and dexterity in their hands and arms.
Hand therapists, often occupational therapists or physiotherapists with additional training in hand therapy, work with patients to address a variety of issues, including:
- Rehabilitation after surgery or injury: Helping patients recover from fractures, tendon repairs, or other surgical procedures.
- Managing chronic conditions: Assisting individuals with arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other long-term conditions.
- Improving fine motor skills: Enhancing coordination, strength, and dexterity for daily activities.
- Custom splinting: Designing and fabricating custom splints to support, protect, or correct hand and wrist positions.
- Pain management: Using techniques like manual therapy, modalities, and exercises to alleviate pain and improve function.
The goal of hand therapy is to help individuals return to their everyday activities and improve their quality of life by optimising hand and arm function.
Key Benefits of Hand Therapy:
Enhanced Functionality and Mobility:
- Through specialised exercises, task specific training, and custom splinting, hand therapists improve grip strength, dexterity, coordination, and fine motor skills. This enhances overall hand functionality for daily activities and tasks.
Prevention of Long-Term Disability:
- Early intervention with hand therapy can prevent permanent disability by addressing injuries promptly and effectively, reducing the risk of complications.
Personalised Treatment Plans:
- Each client receives a customised hand therapy program tailored to their unique needs and goals. Therapists assess functional deficits and design individualised plans to optimise recovery.
Educational Support and Self-Management:
- Hand therapists educate clients about their condition, treatment options, and self-care techniques, empowering them to actively participate in their recovery process for better outcomes.
Facilitated Return to Work and Activities:
- Hand therapy facilitates a safe and timely return to work or activities by restoring functional abilities necessary for specific tasks, aiding individuals with hobbies relying on optimal hand function.
Concentric employs occupational therapists and physiotherapists who conduct hand therapy assessments and consultations.ย To find out more about this support for NDIS and private patients, please contact 1300 148 160 or email referrals@concentric.com.au.ย